Question Topic
Central Air Conditioning AC Not Cooling

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Central Air Conditioning, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about central air conditioning ac not cooling.

During the last few days, my AC unit has not cooled my house below 86 degrees. (The ambient temperature has been around 90-95 degrees) The condensor seems be working. I've changed the filter. But, not much cool air seems to be coming out of the vents. Any ideas about what could be wrong?

Dear Jose:
Here is a webpage that describes how to diagnose problems with an air conditioner: As you will read, since you have already changed your air filter, some other things to check include:
o Check to evaporator in the inside unit to see if it is it frosted up.
o Check to see if you have condensation water in the pan.
o Go to the outside unit and feel the air coming out of the fan. Is it warm?
o Then feel the two copper pipes coming out of the outside unit. Is the small one warm or hot? Is the larger one cool ?
Hope this is helpful.