Question Topic
Forced Air Heating Thermostat Setting

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Forced Air Heating, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about forced air heating thermostat setting.

I have a force air furnance with central air. I do not have a digital thermostat. What I need to know if I should set the thermostat on the automactic position or the on position?

Dear Bettye:
If I understand your question correctly, you have a forced air heating system, which also uses the same blower and ductwork as your central air conditioning, right? And you have one thermostat that operates for both heating and cooling, is that correct? If so, then your thermostat should have a switch on it that you can move from "heat" to "cool." And then next, your thermostat should have another switch which allows you to change the fan between "automatic" and "on" (and off) modes. In the automatic mode, the fan should only come on when the thermostat is calling on the system to be on (heating when in the heat setting, and cooling when in the cool setting). And in the "on" fan mode, the fan should blow air out, regardless of whether the thermostat is calling for heat or cool (but the air coming out may or may not be heated/cooled, depending on whether the thermostat is calling for heat/cooling).
Hope this is helpful.