Question Topic
Gas Furnace Or Boiler High Pressure Issue

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Gas Furnace or Boiler, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about gas furnace or boiler high pressure issue.

pressure gauge is reading around 60psi on top of my furnace. we have a two story with base board hot water with four zones and for heating our water as well. is this a normal pressrue?

Dear Keith:
Typically you would not expect to see boiler pressures above about 30 psi. Here is a webpage that describes hot water boiler operations: And it may help you find out why your pressure is running so high, or if you have a bad gauge. But looking at you previous question about your system sounding like it had water running through it, I would suspect that when you boiler is running at too high of a pressure causing your pressure relief valve to open, and then your automatic water make-up valve is adding cold fresh water which releases entrained air when it heats up. And as a result of this trapped air in your system, you are hearing the whooshing water sounds. So it would seem like your system needs to be inspected to see why the pressure is running so high (for example, if your automatic water make-up valve is sticking open). But it's very hard to diagnose this without actually seeing you system.
Hope this is helpful.