Question Topic
Furnace (Gas) No Heat

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Furnace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about furnace (gas) no heat.

QUESTION FROM its cold man
force hot air furnance runs but no heat. system stays on for 10 minutes and then shuts off. filter ok.. new limit switch replaced. furnance still donot come on.

Dear "its cold man":
Have you tried cleaning or replacing your flame sensor or your thermostat?
What type of furnace do you have? Is it gas-fired or oil-fired?
Hope this is helpful.

FOLLOW-UP FROM its cold man
force hot air furnance runs but no heat. system stays on for 10 minutes and then shuts off. filter ok.. new limit switch replaced. furnance still donot come on.

Dear "its cold man":
Have you tried cleaning or replacing your flame sensor or your thermostat?
What type of furnace do you have? Is it gas-fired or oil-fired?
Hope this is helpful.