Question Topic
Storm Window Remove

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Storm Windows, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about storm window remove.

I have a screen and a storm window and the same track and there doesn't seem like there is any possible way to remove either. How do I get them off?

Dear Amy:
I am assuming from your description of your storm windows and screen, that you have what is called a "two-track" storm window system. As it sounds, a two-track storm window has two tracks. The first track has a non-sliding glass panel in the top part of the window, and in the bottom part of the window (in this same track) is a non-sliding screen panel. The second track holds a glass panel which slides up and down. And all of these glass and screen panels are removable. Other hand, there are also what are called "three-track" storm window systems, and this is where the window has three tracks, and all three panels slide (2 glass, 1 screen), allowing ventilation from the top or bottom of the window. But from your description, since you said the screen and storm window are both in the same track, I'm assuming that you have a "two-track" storm window system.
To remove the screen and glass panels from their track, you should start with the screen panel on the bottom. There should be tabs on the bottom edges of the frame of the screen, and you should be able to slide these tabs inward, towards the center of the screen. If for some reason the screen got installed backwards, then these tabs will be on the outside of your house (hopefully not on the second floor). If this is the case you will need to slide these tabs from the outside of your house. While you are still holding the tabs inward, tilt the bottom of the frame of the screen towards the inside of your house and rotate the frame a little to free the top edge from the tracks. You should be able to then pull the screen out of the window. Be careful though that the top glass pane doesn't slide down while you are pulling out the lower screen, if it is not latched properly.
The next step is to slide the tabs inward on the upper glass panel to allow you to lower this panel (hopefully this panel was not installed backwards, or the tabs again will be on the outside of your house). And then as before, tilt the bottom of the frame of the glass panel towards the inside of your house and rotate the frame a little to free the top edge from the tracks. You should be able to then pull the glass panel out of the window.
Again, I've made a few assumptions based on your brief description. If the above info is not helpful for you, just provide me with some more details of your specific situation, and hopefully I can use that to get you some better information.
Hope this is helpful.