Fire Extinguishers
Routine Care Task
Inspect fire extinguishers
Properly maintained fire extinguishers can be used to contain a small fire thereby keeping damage to a minimum.
Timing: October (yearly)
NOTE: The tasks and timings shown here for your Fire Extinguishers are based on a single-family home located in Massachusetts with a default set of home care goals and priorities.
If you setup your Home-Wizard personal home manager for a different location with different home care goals, your recommended home care program can have different tasks and timings for your {home feature}.
How To

Fire extinguisher inspections include:
Check pressure gauge to ensure a full charge.
Check that the nozzle isn't clogged by insects debris, etc.
Shake the extinguisher so that chemicals do not become packed.
Check that hanger is securely fastened and that everyone knows the location.
Make sure all fire extinguishers are accessible and not buried under other items.
Note: Do not discharge the extinguisher to test if it is working, as this will empty the unit.
Helpful Accessories

Handy size and type to have available for household emergencies
consumer reviews, choices, prices
The benefits of this task are relatively high. Doing this task helps to ensure that your extinguishers will work properly in a fire emergency.
Health & Safety
Child Safety
Senior Safety
The cost of this task is very low. It is estimated that this task should only take about 30 minutes to complete, and the task is relatively easy to do. No specialized tools are required.