Question Topic
Fireplace (Gas) Pilot Blowing Out

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Fireplace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about fireplace (gas) pilot blowing out.

I have a Majestic gas fireplace with an automatic pilot light that keeps blowing out after a period of time. We tried cleaning it for dust accumulation, but it still blew out. Help

Dear Shirley:
We are of the firm belief that when it comes to gas appliances, they should be inspected and adjusted by trained professionals.
Here's a link that will give you a list of authorized Majestic fireplace dealers in your area:
Hope this is helpful.

our propane ventless fireplace insert pilot light goes out after a few minutes of burning. we have to continually keep lighting the pilot

Dear Judy:
It could be that you are low on propane, or that dust or debris has built up on your sensor (which can be carefully cleaned off with a vacuum cleaner or gentle brushing), or have a bad thermocouple, etc.
However, we would STRONGLY suggest that when it comes to a gas fireplace, that it is best to have a local trained service technician thoroughly inspect your fireplace and correct any problems.
Hope this is helpful.

QUESTION FROM Steve cotterell
hi there i have a 8430 pbuc fire fitted it keeps going out after 30 seconds it lights fine and extracts the smoke perfectly, there is a lever with pics of white flame and green flame at each end which should i have it on, any ides why it would keep going out

Dear Steven:
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you are referring to. Do you have a gas fireplace which is having problems keeping the pilot light lit?
If you can provide some additional information about your problem, I can try to help you.

FOLLOW-UP FROM Steve cotterell
hi it steven again i can light my pilot light manually every time and it stays lit and ignites the whole fire for about 30 seconds then the whole thing cuts out but i can re light it straight after but then again every 30 seconds it goes out

Dear Steven:
Thanks for your additional information.
If you are able to light your gas fireplace, but it only stays on for less than a minute, then you might want to check to see if the thermocouple on your gas fireplace has gone bad.
I noticed from your email address that it looks like you are in England. In England a lot of gas fires have oxy-depletion thermocouples which are supposed to protect from carbon monoxide (CO), but actually detect the lack of air rather than presence of CO.
For safety reasons, I would advise that you have a qualified service technician come out who can physically inspect your particular gas fireplace.
Hope this is helpful.