Question Topic
Fireplace (Gas) Temperature Sensor Issue

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Fireplace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about fireplace (gas) temperature sensor issue.

We have A Heat and Glo 600TV Oak gas fireplace. There are two switches, one on either side. The left one ignites the unit, but don't know what the right does. Is it for the blower? The blower doesn't turn on, even after running for 30 min.s or so and seems very hot on the glass. Does it have a thermostat that just takes longer to turn on the blower? I'll called the manuf. and they said that we must not have a blower, but then why the switch? Am I missing something? Is the unit just for show?

Dear cmeyer:
If you do have a blower in your gas fireplace, the problem could be that the temperature sensor that activates your blower may have gone bad. Most gas fireplaces with blowers are designed so that the temperature of your fireplace has to be raised to a certain temperature before turning on, so the unit doesn't blow out cold air. If your sensor has gone bad, then the blower will never start.
And it is possible that your unit may not have a blower, but that it still has a dummy switch on the panel. I looked online for you, and I couldn't find a model "600TV" made by Heat & Glo, so I could not tell if your unit was designed with a blower.
Hope this is helpful.