Question Topic
Hot Tub Spa Draining Issue

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Hot Tub Spa, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about hot tub spa draining issue.

I'm trying to drain my pumps on my Jacuzzi twin pump hot tub, but there is not a drain plug. To drain the housing, I removed the suction line but that will only drain half of the housing. I live in Alaska, and the breaker keeps tripping, so I am draining it for the winter. Any ideas?

Just opening the drain plug typically is not enough to get all of the water out of a spa's pump system, but rather, to clear water from the water pumps suction and return lines you must use a canister-type wet vacuum to ensure that the lines are cleared of all remaining water. You probably should check with the manufacturer of your specific pumps to be sure.
A bigger concern is what is causing your pumps' breaker to trip. If this is being caused by an electrical problem, then I would think you would want to get this checked before you use the system.
Hope this is helpful.

I would like to drain my hot tub for the summer months.Will this cause the seals ect to dry up?

Dear ep:
Yes, it's fine if you want to drain your hot tub for the summer months. And yes, when you go to start it back up, as with any time you drain a hot tub and it sits for a long period of time, that you will need to check the pump seals to see if they are leaking and need to be replaced.
One other thought, if you are draining your hot tub for the summer, and you live in an area that can freeze in the winter, then you should also winterize your system, just in case you don't end up ever starting up your hot tub before the frost comes.
Hope this is helpful.