Question Topic
Hot Tub Spa Gfi Breakers

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Hot Tub Spa, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about hot tub spa gfi breakers.

I hooked up my jacuzzi today, i have a breaker box with gfi outside and used 6-3 wire. Ok i have a 50 amp breaker with gfi inside the inside box. Ok now my gfi box sat on the ground for a year before i mounted it to my wall, it got rained and snowed on. Anyway i hooked my jacuzzi up today and it was running perfect, jets all running and heater, then it popped the exterior breaker. I go to reset it and it pops instantly. Can my gfi in the box be bad since it sat unmounted in the weather? I dont understand it was running great. the 6-3 wire isnt hot, the breaker was a little warm. please help me i need my jacuzzi

Dear Steve:
It's far more likely that there is a problem with the installation of the wiring. If your jacuzzi ran fine for a while, it sounds like it ran for long enough for water to get somewhere where it shouldn't and cause a ground fault (this is why it now pops the GFI instantly).
GFI breakers do go bad sometimes, and it's possible you just need to replace it, but while you have your load side disconnected, you should have a trained professional check the hots and neutral to ground for continuity or resistance.
Hope this is helpful.