Question Topic
Radiator Removing Dry Cell Batteries

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Radiators, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about radiator removing dry cell batteries.

I accidentally dropped a number of "c" batteries behind a radiator. This old radiator sits beneath a window, so the sill extends into the space above it, partially blocking access to the back. The batteries are the exact size to wedge tightly between the radiator outcroppings. The radiator no longer has a functioning knob to turn on and off. Can you think of any way I can remove them, or will the radiator need to be removed? Also, can I just leave them there, or is it a fire hazard?

Dear Holly:
Unfortunately, yes, you should remove the dry cell batteries that have gotten stuck behind your radiator.
If you have ever opened an old flashlight and seen what happens when a battery has begun to corrode and leak, you can image what will happen over time when the batteries stuck against your hot radiator begin to leak.
As far as getting the batteries back out, it sounds like you will have to remove the radiator to get to them.
But on the other hand, batteries are magnetic, so if you have a strong magnet, some duct tape, and maybe a wire coat hanger that you can bend in such a way that you can get under your widow sill and behind your radiator, then you might be able to lift these batteries back out. One thing that will make this a bit difficult, is that your radiator is likely cast iron, and it will probably be difficult keeping the magnet away from the radiator as you are trying to lower it down to where your batteries are. So its a difficult maneuver, but probably worth trying before removing your radiator.
Hope this is helpful.

Thank you so much! I'm afraid I recruited a friendly handy neighbor to implement your idea, and he used tape but not magnets, but they are all out of there now.