Routine Care Task
Bleed radiators and inspect valves
Bleeding air out of the radiators improves energy efficiency.
Timing: October (yearly)
NOTE: The tasks and timings shown here for your Radiators are based on a single-family home located in Massachusetts with a default set of home care goals and priorities.
If you setup your Home-Wizard personal home manager for a different location with different home care goals, your recommended home care program can have different tasks and timings for your {home feature}.
How To

The bleeder valve for each radiator is located near the top. Place a cup underneath it to catch water drips and open the valve until water begins to come
out. Once all the air is out, close the valve.
Check around the radiator and valves for any water leaks.
Clean dust off of the radiator, since a layer of dust will act as heat insulation.
And make sure the radiators are not blocked by drapes or furniture.
Helpful Accessories

Straightens fins of ac/heating systems
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Protects from the damaging effects of radiant heat
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Powerful suction capability for air filters
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The benefits of this task are high, in that it enables the energy efficient operation of your radiator heating system.
Energy Savings
Avoiding Unscheduled Repairs
Maintaining Value
Health & Safety
The cost of this task is low from an investment of time standpoint. It is estimated that this task should only take about 30 minutes to complete, depending on the number of radiators in your home. The task is relatively easy to do, once you have done it the first time. No specialized tools are required.