Question Topic
Washing Machine Water Not Draining

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Washing Machine, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about washing machine water not draining.

QUESTION FROM Richard John Roberts
I have a Westinghouse washer model#wws833e It does not drain the timer has been replaced with no change. The pump motor was tested,it works fine.Tested for continuity between the timer and pump it tested positive. This is very confusing can not understand why this pump will not come on while in the machine but works fine when tested outside of the machine.

Dear Richard:
It sounds like you have done a nice job of eliminating possible causes for why your washing machine will not drain. And here are some additional thoughts on what could be the cause.
But first, is it safe to assume that your washer fills and agitates the way it should? In other words, the only problem that you are seeing is that it doesn't drain, right? If so, then this says that the motor works and that the belt is fine (assuming it has a belt).
If this is the case, since you have already determined that your water pump is not broken or clogged, then here are some other things you can check as possible causes for your washer not draining:
1) Check the lid closure switch; if it is broken, the washer may stop during the drain cycle. Press and release the lid switch, and if it doesn’t click each time you do this, it’s probably broken and needs to be replaced.
2) Be sure the drain hose isn’t kinked (if you can hear the pump running, but nothing is coming out).
3) The controls for your water pump may be broken, and you'd need an appliance repairperson to check it.
Hope this is helpful.

after completing it's cycle, my westinghouse washing machine has about an inch of water in the bottom and the clothes are still too wet to go into the dryer. I have tried respinning them, but the little bit of water is still there.

Dear mcox:
If your washing machine is not draining completely, then here are a couple of things you might check:
1) check to see that your drain hose is not obstructed, clogged, kinked, or blocked in any way.
2) if your drain hose is completely clear, then the next thing to check is the pump in washing machine to make sure that something is not stuck inside of it and that the impellers are turning at the same speed as the motor shaft.
Hope this is helpful.