Question Topic
Washing Machine Won't Agitate

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Washing Machine, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about washing machine won't agitate.

I have a Kenmore Ultra Fabric Care II Heavy Duty 80 Series washer. It will do run through the entire cycle and do everything but agitate during the wash and rinse cycle. No problems with filling, draining or spinning, just agitating. Do just need to replace the switch, or is there another problem?

Dear Steve:
If your washing machine is not agitating, yes it could be that your lid switch is defective. But in addition to a defective lid switch, others causes of a washer agitator not working include problems with:
o motor coupler
o belts
o clutch
o drive motor
o drive pulleys
o transmission
o stipped agitator
Hope this is helpful.